Middleton-by-Youlgrave Well Dressing Pictures
Below are the Middleton well dressings dating back to 1977. None in 2001 due to foot and mouth. The 2020 well dressing was cancelled due to the COVID-19 epidemic however some of the pupils of the local primary school, All Saints C of E, have made well dressing boards. Middleton’s well dressing was made by local resident Oriel Carlin-Monkhouse and can be seen below.
2021 well dressing boards done buy the children of Middleton and Smerrill (normal well dressings suspended for a second year due to Covid.

Well dressing 2020 by Oriel Carlin-Monkhouse aged 7, Youlgrave All Saints School.

You can find more details and images of Derbyshire well dressings at welldressing.com.