News, Road closures, County, District and Parish Council headlines
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Lathkill and Bradford Ward replaced by Boundary Commission
The final result creates a new Youlgrave Ward from 4t May 2023 comprising the Youlgrave Parochial boundaries plus Monyash. Sadly Over Haddon failed to join us and remains a town dominated ward under Bakewell.
A booklet to increase safety in rural areas has been launched in Derbyshire.
A booklet which gives advice on a range of issues such as theft, fire and personal safety has been launched in a bid to target countryside crime and emergencies in Derbyshire.
The Derbyshire Rural Safety and Crime Prevention Guide has come about through a collaboration between Derbyshire Constabulary, Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service and East Midlands Ambulance Service.
COVID-19 2020/21
Parish Council meetings are to be held by public video conferencing until further notice. The process will be advertised on the website and noticeboard when the Agenda is published.
VHMC has cancelled the Village Market in 2020 and 2021 and Middleton Rocks 2020.
Well Dressing, Village Market and Trail 25th May 2019
May PC Meeting
Your new Parish Council comprises Helen Brocklehurst, Dianne Jeremy, David Mallaband (Chair), Pat Musgrave and Jamie Wigley. The meeting mainly addressed the upcoming Welldressing and Village Market on 25th May and discussions on the Village Hall survey.
Village Hall Survey closed on 2nd April 2019
Every household in the parish has been sent a survey by post to ask their views on the long term future of a Hall for the Community. Over half the parish responded by the deadline to say they wanted a hall with varying views on what form it should take that will be analysed and comments taken on board at the next VHMC/PC meeting to which those who expressed an interest in joining the steering/design committee will be invited.
If you missed the opportunity to comment, you can still do so currently by clicking on Middleton and Smerrill Village Hall Questionnaire. This is docx file so can be saved and uploaded when completed. Forms can be returned online to the Parish Clerk
If you wish to view the letter and options summary click on Letter introducing Village Hall questionnaire New build v church joint venture outline
Derbyshire Alert is signing up more residents to use the alert system, making it a main channel of communication between the police and the public.
You can sign up by logging onto the website and completing your details on line at
Help us to improve our communication and work together to provide a better
police service for the residents of Derbyshire. Full details Derbyshire Alert
November Parish Council update
Council was pleased to commemorate the 100 years anniversary with a plaque installed in time for the event and the Chair laid a wreath at the Remembrance Service and read out the names of those who gave their lives from this parish. It has secured funding and professional assistance to do essential repairs to Bateman’s tomb with PDNPA. At the November meeting it set the precept for next financial year which due to a loss of Welldressing Tea revenue has had to be increased by £700 to cover this.
Long Rake Weekend Closure
From 8th September for 5 weekends on both Saturday and Sunday sections of Long Rake from the works towards Derbyshire Aggregates are to be closed from 7am to 7pm for Derbyshire County Council Highways Dept to repair the road surface.
July Meeting of the Parish Council
Council has decided to place a commemorative plaque at the War Memorial Garden to commemorate 100 years since the end of WW1. It has applied to the PDNPA for a Heritage Grant to do some essential works at Bateman’s Tomb and was pleased to give its support to a new event “Middleton by Walking” that is to take place in October half term.
Broadband Update – the official response is ” The structure has been built and is going through quality assurance and commissioning, provided no issues are identified, it is anticipated that it will be ready for ordering by the end of the month.”
New Bus route – Service 178 from Bakewell around Lathkill Dale and back passes through Middleton by Youlgrave see link for details
Derbyshire County Council Bus Strategy Bus Strategy March 2018 draft_
The County Council are looking at a sustainable future for bus service in Derbyshire over the next 5 years. The strategy includes 4 main aims and we would like your thoughts on these aims. Please can you take the time to read the attached bus partnership plan document and respond to our short online survey by clicking on the following link 2018 Bus Strategy Survey Link
Severn Trent – Please conserve water
Outside Events Crossing the Parish
Macmillan are doing a Peak District Mighty Hike on 28th July with 1500 walkers expected to come through the village and BradfordDale.
Library review consultation
Derbyshire County Council is reviewing the provision of library services including the mobile library. See your local library for details. consultation questionnaire link
Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Council Meeting – 8:15pm 16th May in the Village Hall
Update – Minutes of APM now in The Bugle and online. Cllr Mallaband was re-elected Chair and Jamie Wigley elected Vice-Chair for the final year of this council – elections May 2019
All Welcome – the Annual Parish Meeting is open for any parishioner to raise any idea / concern for open discussion. Only persons on the Electoral Role are eligible to vote.
DDDC leased Toilet Block
Update – the Chair gave representation to the Committee to highlight that the block is leased with a 365 day open clause. DDDC current stance is that the block will be kept open seasonally. The DDDC meeting to decide the fate of all blocks in their control has closed many others and left MIddleton on a seasonal opening basis.
February headlines
The DDDC position on their Toilet Block will be clarified with Sandra Lamb, Head of Corporate Services at the Start of the 7th February meeting at 8:15pm. DDDC Review of all its toilet blocks is coming to the District Council on 8th March for a decision on closures and charging and this is your opportunity to express the parish views on this public service.
Parish Council Headlines
Parish Council – January headlines
The meeting set the 2018/19 precept with no increase on last year although Council noted that the new General Data Protection Regulations requirement for an independent Data Protection Officer will incur additional costs which will affect future budgets.
Parish Council – November headlines
The Village Hall letter has received over 100 signatures and is to be sent to the Trust. DDDC has come back with an offer for the toilet block that does not meet the terms of our lease to them so has been returned for improvement. The meeting approved the concept of a nnew generation being involved in a new Sites of Meaning project.
Parish Council – September headlines
A full discussion with the new Village Hall Committee agreed to produce a letter to be signed by as many of the community as are willing to the Trust that owns the Village Hall to ask for it to be given to the village. The website now sees direct input by the Village Hall to advertise events and Digital Derbyshire have promised fibre will be laid to the village by early 2018.
DDDC Toilet Block in The Square
Derbyshire Dales District Council are again reviewing their toilet blocks with a view to closing them all and are consulting with parishes to see what options are available. Council noted at the July meeting that whilst it was happy to work with them , our block is actually leased to DDDC with 26 years to go and a year round open clause and DDDC need to take legal advice on this before coming back to council to discuss options.
Parish Council – other July headlines
Council was pleased to note that the new Village Hall team and charity trustees are in place. It is trialing a spray to eradicate moss on the playground and organised for a contractor to strim Batemans Tomb.
Parish Council – May headlines
Council met with the applicants for Greencroft Farm and approved the application with provisos. An informative discussion on the potential future for the listed farm buildings was also had. Council agreed the accounts for presentation to the auditors and were notified of the sad loss of the village market after over 50 years. A survey is being conducted of all parishioners as to future desires and wishes of the community by the Village Hall Events Committee.
DDDC are again reviewing the closure of their public toilets and will be attending the next council meeting on 19th July to discuss their options with Council and parishioners.
River Bradford – Changing landscape pdnpariverbradford2013