Annual Parish Meeting
Annual Parish Meeting (normally takes place prior to the March Council Meeting)
This is a meeting of parishioners and not a council meeting. It is hosted by the Chair of the council who gives their annual report on activities of Council and other local government representatives and police are given the opportunity to speak before opening the meeting to any parishioner who wishes to discuss any matter. The clerk for this meeting is elected at the start by those present to take the minutes.
APM Agenda tba March 2026 :
Annual Parish Meeting 12th March 2025: draft for ratification at next APM
MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2025 draft
MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2023
MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2022
Previous Annual Parish meetings: MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2020 MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2019 MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2018 MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2017 MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2016 MSPC Annual Parish Meeting 2015